Mattel [USA]
Mattel (variant) [USA]
Mattel (variant) [USA]
Mattel [CANADA]
Mattel (variant) [CANADA]
Intv Inc. [USA]
Sears [USA]
Mattel [USA]
Mattel (variant) [USA]
Mattel (variant) [USA]
Intv Productions [USA]
Mattel (Point-of-Purchase Display) [USA]
Mattel [USA]
Mattel (variant) [USA]
Mattel (variant) [USA]
Mattel (prototype?) [USA]
Intv Inc. [USA]
Mattel (1119-0920-C) [USA]
Sears (3878-0920) [USA]
Bandai (1119-0201) [JAPAN]

No. 1119 (Mattel)
No. 75214 (Sears)
© 1978 Mattel Electronics2 players
Master Component Program: Kevin Miller
Art: Jerrol Richardson
Production: APh Technological Consulting
Licence: American Backgammon Players Association
USA launch: 10/16/1980 (No. 13)

Beating Intellivision at backgammon is a lot of fun. But it's definitely not child's play. The computer knows all the tricks -- and it calculates all the odds before it moves. Can you find a flaw in its strategy? Can you give it pieces to gobble up freely, then trap it in the back game? Or will you just cross your fingers, press the button and roll the dice? Perfect your own backgammon skills with this modem version of one of the world's oldest games.


Mattel [USA]
Mattel [EUROPE]
Intv Inc. [USA]
Digiplay [BRAZIL]
Mattel [USA]
Digiplay [BRAZIL]
Intv Productions [USA]
Blue Sky Rangers [USA]
Mattel [USA]
Mattel (variant) [USA]
Intv Inc. [USA]
Digiplay [BRAZIL]
Mattel (3410-0920) [USA]
Mattel (3410-0720) [CANADA]
Mattel (3410-0720) - variant) [CANADA]
Mattel (3410-0018) [EUROPE]
Mattel (3410-0018) [MEXICO]
Digimed/Digiplay [BRAZIL]

No. 3410© 1982 Mattel Electronics1 player
Master Component Program: Tom Loughry
Art: Jerrol Richardson
Production: APh Technological Consulting
Licence: Based on the RPG by TSR Hobbies, Inc.
Working title: Adventure
USA launch: 08/16/1982 (No. 35)
Brazil launch: 10/1984
AKA 'AD&D Cloudy Mountain', 'Crown of Kings'

Take the wrong turn and you'll soon be staring at the biggest, meanest and most clever dragon you've ever imagined. You start out in a maze. But, this is no ordinary maze. It's revealed to you only a few feet at a time as you enter each new uncharted corridor. The maze scrolls: up, down, right and left. You don't know when it's going to take a turn -- for the worse. That dangerous dragon could be between you and the treasure that you must find. Along your way you'll find a variety of objects to help you avoid the dragon. Based on the popular role-playing board game, this video version will provide you with many hours of enjoyment.


Mattel [USA]
Intv Inc. [USA]
ShockVision [BRAZIL]
Mattel [USA]
Intv Productions [USA]
Blue Sky Rangers [USA]
Mattel [USA]
Intv Inc. [USA]
ShockVision [BRAZIL]
Mattel (5300-0920) [USA]

No. 5300© 1983 Mattel Electronics1 player
Master Component Program: Tom Loughry
Art: Jerrol Richardson
Production: APh Technological Consulting
Licence: TSR Hobbies, Inc.
Working title: Minotaur
USA launch: 1983
AKA 'Dungeons & Dragons II'

You've found the secret map to the underground lair of the dreaded Minotaur. You can go in, but you'll never come out unless you slay the Minotaur and claim his Tarmin treasure. As you make your way through the hallways and chambers, monsters wield their conventional or spiritual weapons. You must gather the proper defenses along the way. But use them sparingly, the Minotaur looms closer!


Mattel [USA]
Mattel (variant) [USA]
Mattel (variant) [USA]
Mattel (variant) [USA]
Mattel [CANADA]
Intv Inc. [USA]
Sears [USA]
VLS/Intelligame [BRAZIL]
ShockVision [BRAZIL]
Mattel [USA]
Mattel (variant) [USA]
Mattel (variant) [USA]
Intv Inc. [USA]
Intv Productions [USA]
Mattel (Point-of-Purchase Display) [USA]
Mattel [USA]
Mattel (variant) [USA]
Mattel (variant) [USA]
Mattel (variant) [USA]
Intv Inc. [USA]
VLS/Intelligame [BRAZIL]
ShockVision [BRAZIL]
Mattel (1121-0620-G1) [USA]
Mattel (1121-0920-B) [USA]
Mattel (1121-0720) [CANADA]
Sears (3861-0920) [USA]

No. 1121 (Mattel)
No. 75211 (Sears)
© 1978 Mattel Electronics2 players
Master Component Program: Chris Kingsley
Art: Jerrol Richardson
Production: APh Technological Consulting
Working title: Tanks-A-Lot
USA launch: 09/04/1980 (No. 7)

Dust off your field glasses and scan the horizon for enemy tanks. There's one -- grinding its way out of the woods!
You see each other at the same time. Both turrets swing toward their targets. Who will fire a split second sooner? And who will be reduced to a pile of rubble?
When you've beaten your opponent, move on to a new battlefield. There are literally hundreds of new terrains to conquer!
War may be nerve-wracking, but this is pure fun!


Mattel [USA]
Mattel [CANADA]
Intv Inc. [USA]
Digiplay [BRAZIL]
Sears [USA]
Mattel [USA]
Mattel (variant) [USA]
INTV Corp. [USA]
Digiplay [BRAZIL]
Intv Productions [USA]
Intv Productions (variant) [USA]
Blue Sky Rangers [USA]
Mattel (Point-of-Purchase Display) [USA]
Mattel [USA]
Mattel (variant) [USA]
Mattel (variant) [USA]
Intv Inc. [USA]
Digiplay [BRAZIL]
Mattel (3605-0920) [USA]
Mattel (3605-0720) [CANADA]
Mattel (3605-0121) [EUROPE]
Mattel (3605-0141) [MEXICO]
Digimed/Digiplay [BRAZIL]
Sears (3864-0920) [USA]
Shootoff Competition (2609-0150-G1) [USA]

No. 3605 (Mattel)
No. 75229 (Sears)
© 1981 Mattel Electronics1 player
Master Component Design and Programming: John Sohl
Art: Jerrol Richardson
Working titles: Meteor! + Avalanche, Rocks
USA launch: 10/15/1981 (No. 23)
Brazil launch: 11/1983

Spin. Blast. And drop into hyperspace to avoid a killer asteroid shower. Power on. Attack computer engaged. Fire a quick burst at the alien antagonists. Got 'em!
Now take a deep breath and relax. But only for a fraction of a second, because more trouble is on the way.
You're all alone in a hostile universe of tumbling asteroids and homicidal aliens. You've got the wits and the speed, but you're awesomely outnumbered.
With a little practice, you may survive...


Imagic [USA]
Imagic [EUROPE]
Digiplay [BRAZIL]
Imagic [USA]
Imagic [USA]
Imagic [EUROPE]
Digiplay [BRAZIL]
Imagic (700006-1C) [USA]
Imagic (700006-2A) [EUROPE]
Digiplay [BRAZIL]

No. IM7203© 1982 Imagic1 or 2 players
Master Component Program: Pat Ransil
Sound: Dave Durran
USA launch: 1982
Brazil launch: 12/1984

Alien spacecraft bombard the underwater city of Atlantis. Centuries of progress seem doomed. You man the defense installations. Night falls. Blinded by rage, you scramble into Atlantis' last defensive spaceship and fly into enemy-filled skies. How long can one ship survive against so many?


Mattel [USA]
Mattel (variant) [USA]
Mattel (variant) [USA]
Mattel [CANADA]
Intv Inc. [USA]
Intv Inc. (variant) [USA]
Digiplay [BRAZIL]
Sears [USA]
Mattel [USA]
Mattel (variant) [USA]
Mattel (variant) [USA]
Mattel (variant) [USA]
Mattel (variant) [USA]
Intv Inc. [USA]
Intv Inc. (variant) [USA]
Digiplay [BRAZIL]
Intv Productions [USA]
Mattel (Point-of-Purchase Display) [USA]
Mattel [USA]
Mattel (variant) [USA]
Mattel (variant) [USA]
Intv Inc. [USA]
Intv Inc. (variant) [USA]
Digiplay [BRAZIL]
Sears [USA]
Mattel (1113-0820-G2) [USA]
Mattel (1113-0820-G3) [USA]
Mattel (1113-0620-G5) [USA]
Mattel (1113-0121) [EUROPE]
Mattel (1113-0111) [FRANCE]
Mattel (1113) [MEXICO]
Digimed/Digiplay [BRAZIL]
Sears (3860-0920) [USA]
Bandai (1113-) [JAPAN]

No. 1113 (Mattel)
No. 75205 (Sears)
© 1980 Mattel Electronics1 or 2 players
Master Component Program: Larry Zwick
Art: Jerrol Richardson
Production: APh Technological Consulting
USA launch: 10/03/1980 (No. 9)
Brazil launch: 09/1984

Snap on your crash helmet, fire up your Formula I, and slam it into first. Power through the first turn and you're off on a Grand Prix class racing circuit.
The faster you push your race car the more alert you have to be. You may slide off the track and into a maze of grass and trees. You may find yourself skidding into a pond. Or you may find yourself halfway through a hairpin turn before you know it.


Mattel [USA]
Mattel [CANADA]

No. 3884© 1982 Mattel Electronics1 player
Master Component
Design: John Sohl and Bob Del Principe, Bill Fisher and Steve Roney
Program: John Sohl, Bill Fisher, Stephen Roney
Graphic: Kai Tran, Peggi Decarli (map of Europe)
Sound: Bill Fisher
Voice of pilot: Phil Proctor
Voice of bombardie: Phil Austin
Working titles: Air Traffic Controller, Flying Fortress
USA launch: 07/23/1982

World War II action at 12 o'clock high as you fly a bombing mission deep inside Fortress Europe. You select your targets and switch from cockpit view to bomb bay view. the closer you get to your target the more flak and enemy planes you encounter. "Target in sight," you switch back to the bomb bay view "Bombs Away." Three voices, three different screens.


No. M-005-02© 1983 Activision1 to 4 players
Master Component Design and Programming: David Rolfe
Production: Cheshire Engineering
USA launch: 1983
Brazil launch: 11/1984

An impenetrable shield of light, 99 sectors deep, is encompassing the planet. You, alone, must cruise from beam to beam, casting lariats of laser bolts into white saucers, red zig bombs, yellow chirpers and more! The quest: to penetrate the shield and restore space exploration to the planet. You have the skill! You have the daring! You are Beamrider!


No. IM7401© 1982 Imagic1 player
Master Component Design and Programming: Wendell Brown
Sound: Dave Durran
USA launch: 1982

That big bully's got the girl. It's you to the rescue. Climb the building, floor by floor. But watch out! Our fearsome foe is angrily tossing boulders. Dodge them. Or squash them to score points. The higher you go, the harder the going gets. Best time to the top wins the game.


No. 8030001-A-IN© 1983 Interphase1 player
Master Component Design and Programming: Stephen Willey
USA launch: 1983

Blockade Runner is a great visual concept in video games - play by yourself or team with a friend to bring home to earth four ships loaded with vital supplies. Enemy aliens have blockaded your route, so you must flash through a mine-filled asteroid belt to avoid destruction. You steer and shoot from your ship's nose-cone command post as the universe rushes past your eyes!


No. 9009© 1988 INTV Corp.1 or 2 players
Master Component Design and Programming: Steve Ettinger
Graphic: Connie Goldman
Sound: David Warhol
Art: Steve Huston
Production: Realtime Associates
USA launch: 1988

ALL RIGHT YOU CREEPS -- this is the one you've been waitin' for -- BODY SLAM!!! -- the roughest, fastest, wiiiiiildest game ever! Climb in the ring with one of the toughest, craziest ANIMALS in the WHOLE WORLD -- like JACK HAMMER, BARON VON THUD, and DR. PAIN!!! They look pretty funny, huh? Well, ha ha ha -- they want to TEAR YOUR LAUGHIN' HEAD OFF! Whatsa matter -- AM I SCARING YOU???!!! C'mon -- you can learn the moves: THE HEAD BUTT (OOOOO!!!) -- THE BAZOOKA PUNCH (BOOM!!!) -- THE SPIN HEAVE (HEEEEEE'S OUTTA HERE!!!!) -- Anything Goes!!!!!

  • ARGHH!!! Pin Your Opponent in a Zany Free-For-All Match!
  • OOOFF!!! Pick 'im Up! Spin 'im! Toss 'im Outta the Ring! Chase 'im Through the Blood-Thirsty Crowd!
  • GLURK!!! 12 Tough, Bizarre Characters to Become or to Battle!
  • UNNHH!!! 26 Different Moves to Master, from the defensive POSSUM ROLL to the devastating POWER KICK!
  • YIPES!!! Play One-On-One or Tag Team!
  • AACKK!!! 6 Skill Levels for Constant Challenge!
  • UUULP!!! Battle a Friend or a Merciless Computer Controlled Opponent!
  • See youse in the ring, IF YOU GOT THE GUTS!


    No. 3883© 1982 Mattel Electronics1 player
    Master Component
    Design and Programming: Gene Smith, Shatao Lin
    Graphic: Kai Tran
    Sound: Russ Lieblich
    Voice of Frank: Phil Proctor
    Voice of Boris: Peter Bergman
    Working titles: Juggernaut, Voice Bomb
    USA launch: 1982

    It's a race against time as you attempt to disarm the terrorist bomb before it destroys the city! The screen shows the bomb circuitry as voices heighten the tension. "Wrong part...they'll never do it in minute till blast." Hurry, other lives besides your own hang in the balance.


    No. 1819 (Mattel)
    No. 75221 (Sears)
    © 1981 Mattel Electronics2 players
    Master Component Program: Tom Loughry
    Art: Jerrol Richardson
    Production: APh Technological Consulting
    USA launch: 10/21/1981 (No. 22)
    Brazil launch: 1984

    Slip into the powerfully muscled body of the fighter of your choice. Maybe you'll go for a power slugger. Or an agile defender. Or a completely unpredictable fighter.
    There's the bell! You're playing at championship speed, so the action is lightning fast. Feint, duck, block, then move in for a quick combination.
    Remember that your fighter is using up precious energy. And each punch he takes has its toll. So use your brains as well as your brawn -- and keep your warrior in shape to go 15 rounds.


    No. 4688© 1983 Mattel Electronics1 or 2 players
    Master Component Program, Graphic, Sound and Music: Dennis Clark and Joe Jacobs
    Title screen graphics: Daisy Nguyen
    Project coordination: Dave Warhol and Andy Sells
    Licence: Based on the Data East arcade game
    Production: Technology Associates
    USA launch: 1983
    Brazil launch: 12/1984

    The wackiest thing to happen to driving since rush hour! You're racing down a highway, but there's a traffic jam up ahead. You can bump the cars out of the way, or jump them to score points. But slow drivers aren't the only hazards on the road! You must jump over water, and debris dropped in your path by dumptrucks. And beware of the reckless driver! Get out of enough jams and you can stop at the gas station for a fill-up.


    No. 4549© 1982 Mattel Electronics1 or 2 players
    Master Component Program: Ray Kaestner
    Graphic: Karen Nugent
    Sound and Music: Bill Goodrich
    Licence: Based on the Data East arcade game
    USA launch: 1983
    Brazil launch: 1984

    As the burger chef, you're out to build delicious hamburgers. As you run through the colorful maze assembling the ingredients, nothing can stop you. Except menacing hot dogs and pickles that are out to ruin the meal! Bury them under beef patties, lettuce and buns. Or, knock them out with pepper. Build four burgers and you're on to the next level.


    No. 4436© 1983 Mattel Electronics1 player
    Master Component Design and Programming: Mike Breen
    Graphic: Monique Lujan-Bakerink, Peggi Decarli
    Sound and Music: Bill Goodrich
    USA launch: 1983
    Brazil launch: 11/1984

    You're out to extinguish an angry swarm of honey bees armed with only a spray can of bee repellent. As the bees buzz ever closer, you hit them with a blast of spray to turn them into pieces of honeycomb. The more honeycombs, the more points you score. Don't get stung.


    No. 2488 (Coleco)
    No. 7630 (CBS)
    © 1982 Coleco1 or 2 players
    Master Component Licence: Based on the Sega Enterprises, Inc. arcade game
    USA launch: 1982

    This game captures the fun, excitement, and sounds of an old-time shooting gallery. Blaze away at clay pipes, dancing bears and sitting ducks. But watch out, those aren't ordinary sitting ducks. They come to life when they reach the end of the gallery, and avenge themselves by eating from your limited supply of ammunition. How many can you shoot down?


    No. 70254© 1983 Atarisoft1 or 2 players
    Master Component Program: Mark Kennedy
    Graphic: Eric Wels
    Sound: Russ Haft
    Licence: Based on the Atari arcade game
    USA launch: 1983

    An insidious invasion of multiplying insects (Centipedes, Jumping Spiders, Poisonous Scorpions and Frenzied Fleas) pose different perils to the mushroom patch. Get out your Bug Blaster and save that Fungus!


    No. 8200© 1985 Dextell Ltd., Nice Ideas1 or 2 players
    Master Component Program: John Fiddes, Patrick Aubry
    Production: Nice Ideas (Mattel Electronics - France)
    Working titles: 4-Player Tennis, Doubles Tennis
    USA launch: 1986
    Includes code from the previously released Tennis

    You can play alone, against your Intellivision unit or with another player either in singles or in doubles. You can even let your Intellivision take both sides and just watch. Maybe you'll see some weakness.
    Go ahead conquer Paris, New York, and Wimbledon if you can. You will need both great concentration and strong legs to win at Championship Tennis. Play locations such as Flushing Meadows, Roland Garros, Wimbledon. In Championship Tennis you are in charge. See if you have what it takes to win the "grand slam"!
    Championship Tennis is an advanced version of the original, successful Intellivision Tennis. You will feel the tension and excitement of some of the great courts in the world, as you serve deep to your opponent's backhand and return a lob with a smashing overhead, just out of reach of your opponent's outstretched racquet. It will require skill, dexterity, cunning and wits along with plenty of practice to master Championship Tennis.


    No. 1120 (Mattel)
    No. 75215 (Sears)
    © 1980 Mattel Electronics1 or 2 players
    Master Component Program: David Rolfe
    Art: Jerrol Richardson
    Production: APh Technological Consulting
    USA launch: 09/17/1980 (No. 8)
    Released by Mattel in Great Britain as "Draughts"

    Pit your skill and imagination against an opponent who can assess the board opposition in a few seconds and think several moves ahead.
    The computer won't make a foolish mistake, but you can still beat it...if you concoct a strategy it can't handle.


    No. 8900© 1987 INTV Corp.1 or 2 players
    Master Component Design and Programming: Steve Ettinger
    Graphic: Connie Goldman
    Sound: David Warhol
    Production: Realtime Associates
    USA launch: 1987

    Puts You On the Most Challenging Courses in the World!
  • Two years in development by a team of golfers and programmers!
  • Most sophisticated video game yet.
  • Select an easy or a hard course, or put together your own from a selection of 99 holes, many based on the most famous holes in the world!
  • Choose from a full bag of clubs!
  • The wind can affect your shot; watch the flag to see which way it's blowing!
  • You determine how hard the ball is hit, you determine if the ball hooks or slices!
  • Watch out for trees, sand traps and water hazards.
  • Close-up view of each green for putting.
  • All the challenges and rewards of golfing.


    No. 9000© 1987 INTV Corp.1 or 2 players
    Master Component Program: John Tomlinson
    Graphic: Connie Goldman
    Sound: David Warhol
    Production: Realtime Associates
    Licence: Data East USA Inc. and Capcom USA Inc.
    USA launch: 1987

    More Action Than We've Ever Before Packed Into a Single Game!
    You're on foot, alone, armed with a machine gun and hand-grenades. Your goal: advance across deserts and jungles through swarm after swarm of well-armed enemy soldiers! The odds are impossible!


    No. 006-06© 1983 Sega1 or 2 players
    Master Component Licence: Based on the Sega Enterprises, Inc. arcade game
    USA launch: 1983

    A funny thing happens when you play Congo Bongo, the new home game from Sega. In fact, a lot of funny things happen.
    You have to get to Congo, the mighty ape, before the jungle beasts get to you. Dodge falling coconuts as you scale Monkey Mountain. Shake the monkey from your back and chase Congo onto the lagoon screen. Then cross the water on the backs of hippos, lily pads and hunter-eating fish. And do it all before Congo makes a monkey out of you.
    But watch your step - one slip and it's off to hunter heaven.
    Congo Bongo. Straight from the arcade and into your home. It's more fun than a barrel of, well, monkeys.


    No. 70252© 1983 Atarisoft1 or 2 players
    Master Component Program: Peter Farson
    Graphic: Eric Wels
    Sound: Russ Haft
    Licence: Based on the Williams Electronics Inc. arcade game
    USA launch: 1983

    Landers, Bombers, Baiters, Pods and Swarmers. The alien attack has come and defeat at the hands of crazed invaders threatens the Humanoids. The planet's only hope is your spaceship, Defender.


    No. IM7200© 1982 Imagic1 or 2 players
    Master Component Program: Gary Kato
    Sound: Dave Durran
    USA launch: 1982
    Brazil launch: 12/1984

    An awesome array of demons attacks a scientific colony on the Moon. You maneuver your laser cannon, destroying an entire army of cunning demons. Now you have but one out the demon's home base and end their treachery forever! But as you approach their monstrous lair, your blood chills at an unspeakable horror, perhaps the last sight you'll ever see!


    No. 9005© 1987 INTV Corp.1 player
    Master Component Program: Mark Kennedy
    Production: Atari
    Release version: Realtime Associates
    Licence: Based on the Namco arcade game
    USA launch: 1987

    Burrow your way through a maze of subterranean passages, hunting the deadly Pooka and the fire-breathing Fygar! Break into their tunnels, shoot 'em with your air hose, pump 'em up and...POP! Simple? Not exactly, because now they're after you! Run away! Dig under that rock just ahead...time it just right...BAM! The rock falls on Fygar! All the thrills and fun of the original arcade hit!


    No. 8800© 1987 INTV Corp.1 or 2 players
    Master Component Design and Programming: Ray Kaestner
    Graphic: Connie Goldman
    Sound: David Warhol
    Art: Keith Robinson
    Production: Realtime Associates for INTV Corp.
    Licence: BurgerTime trademark used under license from Data East USA, Inc.
    USA launch: 1987
    Includes code from the unreleased Masters of the Universe II
    produced at Mattel Electronics

    Peter Pepper, the brave chef from BURGERTIME is back! But so are the evil Hot Dogs and some NEW villains -- a cheap Cherry, a bad Banana and Mugsy, the Mug o' Root Beer. Peter needs your help to escape these Rotten Foods and get lunch onto the plate!


    No. 2471 (Coleco)
    No. 7625-7 (CBS)
    © 1982 Coleco1 or 2 players
    Master Component Licence: Based on the Nintendo of America, Inc. arcade game
    USA launch: 1982

    In this engaging game, Donkey Kong the ape has captured Mario's girlfriend, and has taken her to the top of a steel fortress. You've got to get Mario to the top to save her! But - as he runs across the girders and up the ladders, the ape throws barrels at him to prevent his progress. mario must jump the barrels to get to the top and rescue his girlfriend!


    No. ? (Coleco)
    No. 76-376D (CBS)
    © 1983 Coleco1 or 2 players
    Master Component Licence: Based on the Nintendo of America, Inc. arcade game
    USA launch: 1983


    No. 700018© 1983 Imagic1 or 2 players
    Master Component Design and Programming: Alan Smith
    Graphics Assistance: Wilfredo Aguilar
    Sound: Dave Durran
    USA launch: 1983

    You are Count Dracula. Rise from your resting place in the graveyard and fly into the night! Travel in two forms - as a man or a bat. Wolves hound you when you are in human form, and vultures snatch at the bat you can become. You've got to sink your teeth into a victim soon. You're growing paler and slowing down. Constables throw stakes that'll stop you cold! Bite all the victims you can find, then return to your resting place before sunrise, or you'll never hunt again!


    No. IM7603I© 1982 Imagic1 or 2 players
    Master Component Program: Alan Smith
    Sound: Dave Durran
    USA launch: 1982

    Dreadful dragons control the King's castle! You, the young Prince, want them banished - but first you must reclaim the royal treasures. You have to cross castle bridges, dodging dragonfire as you go. Leap, duck and sprint to reach the other side!
    Once across, enter a splendid storeroom. Pocket every treasure you touch. But beware of deadly dragonfire! Each dragon is smarter than the last, and some are almost invisible! How many bridges can you cross? How many storerooms can you empty?


    No. 700026© 1983 Imagic1 or 2 players
    Master Component Program and Sound: Dave Durran
    USA launch: 1983

    Discover Neptune's Trident! But how? As a magical seagull, flap your wings and fly for shore. Grab speeding clouds but beware! Blackbirds and erupting volcanos thwart your every move. Find the Trident then head for the sea. Careful, danger lurks in the briny deep!
    Take the plunge and swing your fin as an enchanted dolphin. Snarls of seaweed and sinister octopuses keep you from touching precious seahorses. Keep diving - magic awaits in the ocean depths.
    At the bottom, a mermaid appears, trapped in a mystical cage. Free her with the magical Trident.


    No. 5301 (Mattel)
    No. 75234 (Sears)
    © 1982 Mattel Electronics1 or 2 players
    Master Component Program: Peter Kaminski, Tom Soulanille
    Art: Jerrol Richardson
    Production: APh Technological Consulting
    Working title: Frogs
    USA launch: 05/25/1982 (No. 32)
    Brazil launch: 11/1983

    Sitting upon two lily pads in the middle of a lily pond are a pair of hungry frogs; one for you, one for your opponent. Overhead swarm delicious flies. Whether or not your frog scores his dinner while you rack up points is entirely up to you. You control the height and direction of his jump; even the flick of his long pink tongue. Leap too high or at the wrong angle and "Pl-op" your frog goes into the pond. He must swim back to his lily pad, taking away valuable scoring time while your opponent goes on racking up points. As play continues, night will come to the pond. Or, you can choose to play the entire round at night, leaping for fireflies -- in the dark.


    No. 6300© 1983 Parker Brothers1 or 2 players
    Master Component Licence: Sega Enterprises, Inc.
    USA launch: 1983

    Life isn't all lazy days and lily pads for a frog - it abounds with dangers. Guide your frantic frog home to safety in a madcap dash across a busy highway and a treacherous river. Fast and furious action is guaranteed to keep things hopping.


    No. M-003-02© 1983 Activision1 or 2 players
    Master Component Design and Programming: Carol Shaw
    USA launch: 1983
    Brazil launch: 11/1984

    Dag nab it! That mangy critter Black Bart's robbed the stagecoach from Culver City and all heck's broke loose. Just when you're in hot pursuit, the trail you're ridin' on deadends into the side of the canyon. You've got to figger out another route by moving the puzzle parts to create a new trail, faster than you can say Happy Trails, pardner.


    No. 1123 (Mattel)
    No. 75209 (Sears)
    © 1980 Mattel Electronics1 or 2 players
    Master Component Program: Chris Hawley
    Art: Jerrol Richardson
    Production: APh Technological Consulting for Mattel Electronics
    USA launch: 10/03/1980 (No. 12)

    A great game of make-believe for up to 6 players. It's like spending a day at the races. Study the tout sheet. Pick a winner -- or a loser. The odds will change. Go for a long shot or play it safe. They're off and the excitement begins. Cheer your horse on. You could clean up -- on paper. A fun party game.


    No. 8500 (INTV Corp.)
    No. 7742 (Mattel)
    © 1984 Mattel Electronics
    © 1986 INTV Corp.
    1 or 2 players
    Master Component Design: Steve Ettinger, Joe (Ferreira) King
    Program: Steve Ettinger
    Graphic and Art: Joe King
    Sound: David Warhol
    USA launch: 1986
    Developed at Mattel Electronics as Hover Force 3-D
    Completed by Realtime Associates for INTV Corp.


    Terrorist helicopter forces have taken over the island city of New Seeburg. Luckily, civilians have been evacuated from the city, but the enemy is causing millions of dollars in damage. Fires are burning out of control throughout the island.
    We're sending you in with a heavily armed combat helicopter. Your assignment:
  • Use RADAR SCREEN to spot and track the enemy!
  • Use LASER CANNONS to blast enemy copters out of the sky!
  • Use WATER CANNONS to put out fires from mid-air!
  • Cover hundreds of square miles ridding the city of terrorists and fires for highest RATING.
  • Aim carefully! Your wild shots can damage the city and lower your rating!
  • Use STRATEGY! There are over 20 different types of enemy copters, each with its own skill level and flight pattern! You need your BRAINS to catch up with them!
  • Fly repeated missions, each more difficult than the one before.
  • One last warning: these guys will be gunning for YOU. And this isn't some game, this is combat. None of this "three lives" foolishness. Crash your copter and it's all over -- you're finished.
    So watch your tail out there. Now, let's scramble!


    No. 710012© 1983 Imagic1 or 2 players
    Master Component Design and Programming: Patrick Schmitz
    Sound: Dave Durran
    USA launch: 1983

    The legendary Nordic hero travels toward the isolated, sinister Ice Palace. He must cross miles of frozen tundra. Massive herds of caribou thunder by him. He tries to ski around them. If he must kill a caribou, the great and unforgiving Wildlife Goddess rises to avenge the loss! He must bridge a frigid lake, using a huge hook to catch and link floating icebergs. He must destroy other icebergs that can crash into his bridge!
    When he reaches the Ice Palace, he assaults that loathsome landmark with enchanted fireballs! He must evade spikes hurled at him and melt the Ice Palace!


    No. 4675© 1983 Mattel Electronics1 player
    Master Component Design: Mark Kennedy, Vladimir Hrycenko
    Program: Mark Kennedy
    Graphic: Monique Lujan-Bakerink
    Licence: General Foods Corporation
    USA launch: 1983

    Two children are trapped in a haunted house. A pair of insatiable THIRSTIES roam around trying to catch them! Help the children avoid the dangerous THIRSTIES and collect all the makings for a batch of KOOL-AID soft drink mix. Hooray! KOOL-AID MAN comes to the rescue! From then on -- the THIRSTIES, plus PHANTOM FLAVORS get chased by KOOL-AID MAN!


    No. 2483 (Coleco)
    No. 76323 (CBS)
    © 1983 Coleco1 or 2 players
    Master Component Licence: Based on the Universal Co. Ltd. arcade game
    USA launch: 1983

    In this game, you direct a lady bug through a maze. While eating dots, she must avoid running over the poisonous skulls and encountering the evil insects which are out to devour her. Revolving doors permit her to change the maze, thwart her pursuers and get through!


    No. 2611 (Mattel)
    No. 75222 (Sears)
    © 1979 Mattel Electronics1 or 2 players
    Master Component Program: David Rolfe
    Art: Jerrol Richardson
    Production: APh Technological Consulting
    USA launch: 08/25/1980 (No. 3)
    Brazil launch: 11/1983
    AKA Poker & Blackjack

    From the shuffle of the the clinking of the the felt green of the gaming the shifty eyes of the dealer, Intellivision has captured the flavor and the color of casino card games.
    Play poker! Five card stud or draw. Seven card stud. This dealer plays tough. He raises, drops, even bluffs. Play carefully because he'd like nothing better than to empty your wallet.
    When you've had enough poker, relax with a few hands of blackjack. Play real casino style and double down when you feel hot!


    No. 1118 (Mattel)
    No. 75208 (Sears)
    © 1980 Mattel Electronics1 or 2 players
    Master Component Program: John Brooks
    Art: Jerrol Richardson
    Production: APh Technological Consulting
    USA launch: 10/03/1980 (No. 11)
    AKA Roulette

    Can you parlay your pile of chips into a fortune? Do you dare risk it all on a single number that you just know is due to come up on the next spin of the wheel? Here's a great party game with all the sound and color of the big casino. Place your "bets"...all "bets" down? Then here goes the big wheel of fortune -- clickety-click-click -- and cross your fingers as the wheel slows and the ball bounces toward your lucky number.


    No. 9002© 1987 INTV Corp.1 or 2 players
    Master Component Design and Programming: David Warhol
    Graphic: Connie Goldman
    Sound: David Warhol
    Production: Realtime Associates
    USA launch: 1987
    Includes code from the previously released Electric Company MathFun

    Two exciting games in one cartridge that strengthen your math skills while you have fun! Battle math problems to arrive at answers in MATH MASTER! Or use given answers to create math problems in FACTOR FUN! Race the clock or an opponent! Skill levels can be set for players of any age -- first graders to adult!
    MATH MASTER is an improved version of the previously released MATH FUN. FACTOR FUN is an entirely new game!


    No. 9006© 1987 INTV Corp.1 or 2 players
    Master Component Design and Programming: David Warhol
    Graphic: Connie Goldman
    Sound: David Warhol
    Production: Realtime Associates
    USA launch: 1987
    Includes code from the previously released Electric Company MathFun

    Four exciting games in one game cartridge that strengthen your spelling and memory skills while you have fun!

  • CROSSWORDS: Build words from a random jumble of letters!
  • WORD ROCKETS: Exercise both manual dexterity with spelling skills -- launch vowel "rockets" to complete words!
  • WORD HUNT: Scramble through a jungle, finding letters to build words!
  • MEMORY FUN: Uncover hidden letters two at a time, looking for letters that match. A challenge to your memory!

  • CROSSWORDS, WORD ROCKETS, and WORD HUNT are enhanced versions of games previously released as WORD FUN. MEMORY FUN is an entirely new game!


    No. 5637© 1982 Mattel Electronics1 or 2 players
    Master Component Program: Julie Hoshizaki, Mike Winans
    Graphic: Peggi Decarli
    Sound and Music: Bill Goodrich
    Art: Jerrol Richardson
    Licence: Based on the Data East arcade game
    USA launch: 07/09/1982 (No. 34)
    Brazil launch: 11/1983

    A fast-action chase game as you maneuver your thief through the maze, picking up coins and other treasures. Billy-club swinging cops are in hot pursuit, but you can temporarily escape them by locking gates behind you. The longer you survive, the more valuable the treasures become.


    No. 4438© 1983 Mattel Electronics1 or 2 players
    Master Component Program: Daniel Bass
    Graphic: Dan Bass, Joe Ferreira
    Sound and Music: Andy Sells
    Track layouts: Dan Bass, Mark Buchignani
    Licence: Based on the Konami arcade game
    USA launch: 1983

    An exciting version of the popular Loco-Motion arcade game. You're the engineer deftly guiding your train through scrambled track. You must put the right tracks together to help the train continue safely on its way to pick up passengers. And, you must avoid the crazy train! Non-stop fun as you race to beat the time schedule.


    No. 2614 (Mattel)
    No. 75202 (Sears)
    © 1978, 1980 Mattel Electronics1 or 2 players
    Master Component Program: David Rolfe
    Art: Jerrol Richardson
    Licence: Major League Baseball Promotion Corp.
    Production: APh Technological Consulting
    USA launch: 09/04/1980 (No. 5)
    Re-released by INTV Corp. as Big League Baseball (INTV #2614)

    The crowd roars as the nine man home team sprints out onto the field. Then you and your opponent use all the tricks in the book to score the winning run.
    You control all the action -- balls and strikes, hit and run, double plays and stolen bases. And it's not over until the last out of the ninth inning!


    No. 4689© 1983 Mattel Electronics1 or 2 players
    Master Component Program: Rick Koenig, Ray Kaestne
    Graphic: Connie Goldman
    Sound and Music: Joshua Jeffe
    Licence: Mattel Toys
    USA launch: 1983
    Brazil launch: 12/1984

    Fly HE-MAN in his WIND RAIDER on a hair-raising dash in pursuit of SKELETOR. Avoid running out of fuel as you outmaneuver, bomb or blast away the fireballs coming at you -- while bombing SKELETOR on the ground below. If you get HE-MAN near enough to CASTLE GRAYSKULL he fights on foot with just his shield -- through lightning-balls, power-bolts and magic swords -- to get at SKELETOR!


    No. 4540© 1983 Mattel Electronics1 player
    Master Component
    Music Synthesizer
    Design and Programming: Rick Sinatra
    Music: Hal Cannon
    Working title: Astromusic
    USA launch: 1983

    The musical version of the popular video game, Astrosmash. And a fun, new way to learn musical notation. As musical notes fall from the sky in the pattern of a popular song, you must play the right keys to shoot them down. The faster you shoot down the notes, the faster you're learning to play your favorite songs!


    No. 700013© 1982 Imagic1 or 2 players
    Master Component Design and Programming: Rick Levine
    Sound: Dave Durran
    USA launch: 1982

    The patient is critically ill! You navigate the Robot Probe through the patient's blood stream, outmaneuvering white blood cells that attempt to slow you down. Remove a tumor from the brain, a blood clot from near the heart and much more! But hurry! To save the patient's life, you must act quickly!


    No. 4531© 1983 Mattel Electronics1 or 2 players
    Master Component
    Design, Programming, Sound and Music: David Warhol
    Graphic: Connie Goldman, Joe King, Peggi Fiebig
    Gameboard design: David Warhol, Mark Buchignani
    Working title: Mindstrike
    USA launch: 1983

    A futuristic, 3-dimensional space version of a chessboard game. Pit your skill against a computer, or another player. Alternate turns with your opponent or move simultaneously for a fast-action game. You can even sit back and watch the computer play itself. Use the keyboard to program the computer opponent to match your skill as you master the game. Select from over 50 challenging game boards.


    No. 4437© 1983 Mattel Electronics1 or 2 players
    Master Component Program: John Tomlinson
    Graphic: Karen Nugent, Mark Buczek
    Sound: Andy Sells
    Licence: Based on the Data East arcade game
    USA launch: 1983

    You're flying a top secret bombing raid over enemy territory. Your mission: To wipe out the enemy battleships, tanks, artillery guns and bridges that come into view as you sweep over the country. Watch out for enemy flak and gunfire! Touch down and go at it again. Fly during the day, or attempt a dangerous night mission.


    No. 3411© 1982 Mattel Electronics1 or 2 players
    Master Component Design: Rick Koenig, Rick Levine
    Program: Rick Koenig
    Graphic: Joe Ferreira, Rick Levine
    Sound: Mark Urbaniec
    Working title: MX
    USA launch: 1983

    Speeding up the long straights, blasting through tight S turns, or hurling across wild jumps, you're meant to eat dirt and claim victory! What a racing bike you've got! The competition is fierce, the terrain is rough. Challenge your toughest adversary, then leave him behind, as you cross the finish line!


    No. 9007© 1987 INTV Corp.1 to 6 players
    Master Component Design and Programming: Ray Kaestner
    Graphic: Connie Goldman
    Sound: David Warhol
    Art: Steve Huston
    Production: Realtime Associates
    USA launch: 1988
    Includes code from the previously released US Ski Team Skiing

    The thrills and excitement of a day on the slopes! Explore the turns and obstacles of unknown courses or slalom through flags at breakneck speeds to beat the clock! All the fun without the lift lines!


    No. 2479 (Coleco)
    No. 7629-9 (CBS)
    © 1982 Coleco1 or 2 players
    Master Component Licence: Based on the Exidy Incorporated arcade game
    USA launch: 1982

    This unusual maze game puts you in control of a mouse who must be guided through a labyrinth of doors and corridors. As it goes, the mouse eats cheese bits and tries to avoid the ravenous cats. At times, the mouse can transform into a dog and go after the cats! A secret tunnel also offers escape. And you can even open or close groups of doors to change the maze and get the mouse through.


    No. 4536© 1983 Mattel Electronics1 or 2 players
    Master Component
    Design: Design & Development Department
    USA launch: 1983

    An introduction to computers and BASIC programming through the fun of a video game. Control "Mr. BASIC" and capture the "Bits" and "Bytes" in one of three exciting games. Learn to write simple programs on the Computer Keyboard. Or, use the hand controllers just for fun. These programs use our unique color-coded graphics system to make learning programming as easy as a game.


    No. 1683 (Mattel)
    No. 75206 (Sears)
    © 1980 Mattel Electronics2 players
    Master Component Program: Kevin Miller
    Art: Jerrol Richardson
    Licence: NASL Marketing, Inc.
    Production: APh Technological Consulting
    USA launch: 09/04/1980 (No. 6)
    Brazil launch: 11/1983

    A well executed drive down the soccer field is a thing of beauty. The man with the ball jukes, whirls, passes to his teammate. The teammate dribbles toward the goal until he attracts a crowd of opponents. Then he passes to a third man who sets up the score.
    The game action is as realistic as the excitement of Pro Soccer -- minus the black 'n blue shins.


    No. 2615 (Mattel)
    No. 75203 (Sears)
    © 1980 Mattel Electronics2 players
    Master Component Program: Ken Smith
    Art: Jerrol Richardson
    Licence: NBA Properties, Inc. and the National Basketball Association
    Production: APh Technological Consulting
    USA launch: 08/25/1980 (No. 1)
    Brazil launch: 09/1984

    Two teams square off at mid-court. Up they go for the jump ball. It's tipped to your team. You fake, drive, and move in for a slam dunk!
    Each three man team of remarkably realistic athletes can dribble. Pass in any direction, jump, block, steal...even take a casual set shot when they've caught the other guys napping.
    Four action-packed quarters -- plus overtime when needed!


    No. 2610 (Mattel)
    No. 75201 (Sears)
    © 1980 Mattel Electronics2 players
    Master Component Program: Ken Smith, Glyn Anderson (instant replay feature)
    Art: Jerrol Richardson
    Licence: National Football League Properties, Inc.
    Production: APh Technological Consulting
    USA launch: 08/27/1980 (No. 2)

    The whistle blows! The crowd roars! The two teams sprint onto the field and line up for the opening kickoff.
    Your ball, first and ten on the twenty yard line. Will you grind out the yardage on the ground...or risk a long bomb for a quick score? You and your opponent can choose from over 180 offensive and defensive plays -- so it's as much a game of strategy as execution.
    Two full halves of fun. With all the refinements of passing, punting, end runs and razzle-dazzles. The computer keeps track of time and score, and the crowd lets you know what it thinks of your performance.


    No. 1114 (Mattel)
    No. 75204 (Sears)
    © 1980 Mattel Electronics2 players
    Master Component Program: Ken Smith
    Art: Jerrol Richardson
    Licence: NHL Services, Inc.
    Production: APh Technological Consulting
    USA launch: 10/03/1980 (No. 10)

    Your opponent has a man in the penalty box, so it's time to push hard on offense. There's the whistle! Time to move down the ice. Your team mows toward the opposing goal in perfect formation, nudging the puck back and forth as defenders move in.
    You're across the blue line. You send a pass across the front of the goal, then...wham! a screaming slap shot whips past the goalie and in for the score.
    The crowd roars its approval. And the buzzer announces the end of the game. You won! A little practice and you'll be ready for the big time.


    No. 5305 (Mattel)
    No. 75236 (Sears)
    © 1982 Mattel Electronics1 or 2 players
    Master Component Design and Programming: Steve Montero
    Graphic: Peter Allen
    Art: Jerrol Richardson
    Sound: Russ Lieblich
    Working title: Attacker
    USA launch: 05/16/1982 (No. 29)
    Brazil launch: 10/1984

    You're on the run. Your attackers are relentless robots. Destroy one and it's replaced by an even smarter, faster robot. It's a nightmare. Your only defenses are avoidance and weapons found somewhere in the labyrinth. When one weapon empties, you avoid robots to find another. Duck around a corner or go into your safe house. But, be careful. There are also people-size spiders and their webs to slow your escape. Bats also wing their way at you. If either spiders or bats bite you, you're stunned; easier prey for the robot attackers.


    No. 700022© 1983 Imagic1 or 2 players
    Master Component Design and Programming: Wendell Brown
    Graphics Assistance: Karen Elliott
    Sound: Dave Durran
    USA launch: 1983

    Pilot Nova 1 above the Capsuled Cities. Defend 4 cities in your quadrant. Use your radar to detect enemy activity. Race to protect these civilized outposts before their capsules are destroyed! Engage the enemy in galactic dogfights. Locate anti-aircraft guns and destroy them. Beam up fuel as you run low.


    No. 70251 (Atarisoft)
    No. 8000 (INTV Corp.)
    © 1983 Atarisoft
    © 1984 INTV Corp.
    1 or 2 players
    Master Component Program: Mike Winans
    Graphic: Eric Wels
    Sound: Russ Haft
    Licence: Based on the Bally/Midway arcade game licensed by Namco
    USA launch: 1983

    The refinements of dot chomping lead to high scores as hungry Pac-Man avoids ambush by vicious goblins. All the fun and excitement of the real arcade version!


    No. 3333 (Mattel)
    No. 75223 (Sears)
    © 1981 Mattel Electronics1 to 4 players
    Master Component Program and Graphic: Mike Minkoff, Rick Levine
    Sound: John Sohl
    Art: Jerrol Richardson
    Licence: Professional Bowlers' Association
    USA launch: 07/31/1981 (No. 21)

    Warm up by picking up some tricky spares. Now you're ready for ten frames of championship bowling. Select the bail weight you prefer. Decide how "slick" you want the alley. Take a few deep breaths're up!
    Aim carefully allowing for loft and curve. Release nice and smooth, and watch the ball plunge into the sweet part of the pocket. Strike! Keep it up, score 200, and you'll get a rousing fanfare.


    No. 1816 (Mattel)
    No. 75207 (Sears)
    © 1980 Mattel Electronics1 to 4 players
    Master Component Program: Scott Bishop
    Art: Jerrol Richardson
    Licence: Professional Golfers' Association of America
    Production: APh Technological Consulting
    USA launch: 11/05/1980 (No. 18)

    Stand steady at the tee...head down...slow backswing. Now, drive your tee shot 220 yards down the fairway, splitting a pair of sandtraps. Loft a five iron onto the green. And sink a twenty foot putt for a birdie!
    You control the swing and aim throughout 9 championship quality holes. The fairways and greens are beautifully manicured, but the sand traps are deep...and the rough is...rough!


    No. 5356© 1983 Mattel Electronics1 or 2 players
    Master Component Design and Programming: Bob Newstadt, Minh Chou Tran
    Graphic: Monique Lujan-Bakerink, Peggi Decarli
    Sound: Mark Urbaniec
    USA launch: 1983
    Brazil launch: 11/1984

    A challenging and exciting video version of the time-honored Pinball machine you find in arcades. You get it all -- five balls, flippers, two- player scores, with all the sounds and action of the real thing. If you've ever "tilted" a real pinball machine, try our Pinball. You're in for some surprises and a whale of a lot of fun.


    No. M-002-02© 1982 Activision1 player
    Master Component Design and Programming: David Crane
    USA launch: 1982
    Brazil launch: 11/1984

    Danger lurks at every turn, as Pitfall by Activision brings a jungle no-man's land to life for your Intellivision. Jump into the shoes of Pitfall Harry, as he leads you on an incredible adventure in search of lost treasures. You'll race against time, through this hostile jungle, fighting off hungry crocodiles! Deadly snakes and scorpions! Treacherous tar pits and quicksand! Run, leap, swing from vines! And with any luck, you might even survive.


    No. 9004© 1988 INTV Corp.1 player
    Master Component Program: Mark Urbaniec
    Graphic: Connie Goldman
    Sound: David Warhol
    Art: Danny Brauer
    Licence: Based on the arcade game by Namco
    Production: Realtime Associates
    USA launch: 1988

    Take the controls and wait for the green light. 3...2...1...YOU'RE OFF! Your engine roars! Shift into high, weave through the pack, and pull out into the open! A tight curve! Tires scream! You start to skid -- and another car is right in front of you! Swerve onto the grass, race ahead, then back onto the track just before smashing into a road sign! Gun it -- seconds count -- and you're across the finish line in record time! But that was just the qualifying lap...


    No. 6370© 1983 Parker Brothers1 or 2 players
    Master Component Licence: Based on the Nintendo of America, Inc. arcade game
    Licence: King Features Syndicate, Inc.
    USA launch: 1983

    Climb aboard and join Popeye as you race him through a crazy maze in pursuit of Olive Oyl's falling hearts. The more hearts you help him catch, the higher your score. Of course, it won't be easy with Brutus and the Sea Hag around! Lead Popeye to his spinach in time and it's curtains for this pesky pair. If not - it's into the briny deep for this sailor! A fast and fun game for all ages!


    No. 6360© 1983 Parker Brothers1 or 2 players
    Master Component Licence: D. Gottlieb & Co.
    USA launch: 1983

    All the action and excitement of the popular arcade game are here! Hop Q*bert up and down a pyramid of cubes, changing colors on each of the cube tops. When they're all the same color, Q*bert moves to a new - and more difficult - pyramid. But strange characters want to stop Q*bert from his fanciful mission. You'll have to do some fast hopping in this quick and "quasy" game!


    No. 5304© 1982 Mattel Electronics1 or 2 players
    Master Component Program: Greg Favor
    Art: Jerrol Richardson
    Production: APh Technological Consulting
    Working title: Othello
    USA launch: 05/11/1982 (No. 31)
    Brazil launch: 09/1984

    Three levels of difficulty insure you'll be playing Reversi for a long, long time. Your objective is to take control of the board. Your opponent is either another player or the computer. Either way, it's great fun. As the game progresses, the playing pieces switch from black to white or white to black depending on which player takes control. Your score is continuously displayed on the screen.


    No. MZ-007© 1983 Activision1 or 2 players
    Master Component Design: Carol Shaw
    Program: Peter Kaminski
    USA launch: 1983
    Brazil launch: 11/1984

    The enemy has positioned a series of bridges across the river to ensure a supply line. Your orders are to destroy those bridges, and demolish choppers, tankers, and jets that patrol along the waterway. As you advance, the canyon narrows and the enemy gets smarter. Stay alert, the enemy never sleeps. And any mistake you make could be your very last. River Raid. Can you make it?


    No. 5303© 1982 Mattel Electronics1 player
    Master Component Program: Rich O'Keefe
    Art: Jerrol Richardson
    Production: APh Technology Consultants
    Working titles: Cards, Card Fun
    USA launch: 1982 (No. 37)

    If you don't always have someone to play cards with and you're not challenged enough by Solitaire, this cartridge introduces you to three players and three different card games: Hearts, Rummy and Crazy Eights. Your computer deals the cards and keeps score. You can choose to play against one, two or three players.


    No. 700025© 1983 Imagic1 or 2 players
    Master Component Design and Programming: Marvin Mednick
    Sound: Dave Durran
    USA launch: 06/1983

    You're the super spy and your mission - recapture sensitive stolen documents, top secret equipment, and gold! Cruise the city streets in your limousine but watch out - enemy secret police are on the hunt...for you! Keep an eye peeled for the building where the secrets are stored then slip inside.
    Can you crack the combination? Maybe you should blow it open, or would that bring enemy agents down on you? Run for it! The chase is on. Can you keep ahead of them? Your gunfire says maybe so. But watch out! Your car careens mighty close to one curb...can you pull it off, or will you do time in a foreign prison?


    No. 4533© 1983 Mattel Electronics1 or 2 players
    Master Component
    Design and Programming: Mark Kennedy
    Graphic: Connie Goldman, Mark Buczek, Monique Lujan-Bakerink
    Licence: Hanna-Barbera Productions, Inc.
    Working titles: Three Blond Mice, Three Blind Mice
    USA launch: 1983

    You're Scooby-Doo chasing ghosts through a baffling maze. When suddenly you discover you're the one being chased -- by the evil skull and crossbones. Drop magic obstacles to slow the Jolly Roger's pursuit. Choose from 10 preprogrammed mazes. Or, use the computer keyboard to create your own.


    No. 1818 (Mattel)
    No. 75213 (Sears)
    © 1980 Mattel Electronics1 or 2 players
    Master Component Program: Ken Smith
    Art: Jerrol Richardson
    Production: APh Technological Consulting
    USA launch: 10/03/1980 (No. 14)

    Destroyers, battleships, submarines, minesweepers, and aircraft carriers! You're the Admiral, and your mission is to rid the seas of the enemy fleet.
    Start by setting a strategy. Lay invisible minefields where you think the big enemy ships will travel. But be careful, because the other Admiral is laying mines to foil you...
    Battle stations! Now you slug it out with shells, torpedoes, and naval tactics. Sleek battleships are waiting to pounce on sluggish minesweepers. You can't relax for a minute.
    But who worries about the torpedoes, you say. Full speed ahead!


    No. 8030002© 1983 Interphase1 or 2 players
    Master Component Design and Programming: Stephen Willey
    USA launch: 1983

    One or two players compete to guide Sewer Sam through myriad mazes of danger-filled tunnels searching for...beep, beep, beep...three enemy submarines that have invaded the city's sewer system. But watch out for subterranean dangers, as Sam dodges and shoots snakes, crocodiles, bats, rats, web-spinning spiders, and more! Enough to make even the stout-hearted Sam searches through wet and dry tunnels for the ultimate showdown!


    No. 5787© 1982 Mattel Electronics1 or 2 players
    Master Component Design and Programming: Ji-Wen Tsao
    Sound and Music: Andy Sells
    Art: Jerrol Richardson
    Working titles: Shark
    USA launch: 12/06/1982 (No. 42)
    Brazil launch: 11/1983

    It's survival of the fittest in the deep, dark waters of the ocean. And you're just a little fish! You must eat smaller fish to stay alive and grow. But you're not the only one struggling for survival. Bigger fish are out to eat you. Beware, the most feared predator of all is on your tail. Shark, Shark! One or two-player action.


    No. 5638© 1982 Mattel Electronics1 or 2 players
    Master Component Program: Frank Evans
    Art: Jerrol Richardson
    Production: APh Technological Consulting
    Working titles: Poww, Zzap!
    USA launch: 10/28/1982 (No. 42)

    An exciting new target shooting game specially designed for children. There are four different shooting ranges for one or two players. Hit the pass receiver. Shoot down the spinning spacecraft. Bomb Navy ships. Fire at the maze monsters. Challenging action for video game beginners.


    No. 9001© 1987 INTV Corp.1 or 2 players
    Master Component Design and Programming: David Warhol, Steve Ettinger
    Graphic: Connie Goldman
    Sound: David Warhol
    Art: Adam Yurman
    Production: Realtime Associates
    USA launch: 1987

    The Only Sport Game Cartridge That Lets You Own and Manage a Pro Team, and Play Every Position!

    As owner:
  • Assemble your team from a pool of 70 players!
  • Player stats based on real major league players!
  • Check out salaries -- you have to stay within budget!

  • As Manager:
  • Decide when to put players in and when to take them out!
  • Keep track of the other team's substitutions.
  • Watch for your players getting tired!

  • As Player:
  • YOU run with the ball!
  • YOU decide when to pass!
  • YOU make the SLAM DUNK!
  • Play against a friend or battle the computer!
  • 5 different play levels.
  • Fouls & Free throws!
  • 3 point half-court shot!
  • Call time outs!
  • 24 second clock!


    No. 9003© 1987 INTV Corp.1 or 2 players
    Master Component Program: Ray Kaestner
    Production: Realtime Associates
    USA launch: 1987
    Includes code from the previously released NHL Hockey


  • Play against a friend or take on a tough computer-controlled team!
  • Full control of ALL your team's players to pass and shoot!
  • Special SLAP SHOT button for a screaming shot into the goal!
  • Penalty box!
  • Face offs, trapping, interceptions!


    No. 3758 (Mattel)
    No. 75228 (Sears)
    © 1981 Mattel Electronics1 or 2 players
    Master Component Program, Graphic and Sound: Mike Minkoff
    Music: Russ Lieblich
    Art: Jerrol Richardson
    Working titles: Blockade+Snakes, Ssssnakes!
    USA launch: 10/05/1981 (No. 24)
    Brazil launch: 11/1983

    You each start off with little lines that start to grow.
    They grow fast, tangling, weaving, writhing like magic beanstalks. And you're at the controls, trying to completely enclose the other guy so he can't grow any more.
    This is a game of lightning quick strategic decisions. Hesitate...or slip...and you'll find yourself surrounded.


    No. 3759 (Mattel)
    No. 75226 (Sears)
    © 1981 Mattel Electronics1 or 2 players
    Master Component Program: John Brooks and Chris Hawley
    Art: Jerrol Richardson
    Production: APh Technological Consulting
    USA launch: 10/15/1981 (No. 25)
    Brazil launch: 09/1984

    You're defending Planet Earth against the unrelenting attack of alien warlords.
    At first they throw their light brigades at you. If you're quick and careful, you should be able to elude their bombs, moving out of the way or taking refuge behind a bunker.
    But when you wipe out the first couple of brigades, they'll launch a more deadly attack, dropping faster, more lethal bombs. Clear the battlefield once more, and they'll resort to guided missiles and even more fiendish devices.
    You've got your hands full -- of excitement and aliens!


    No. 2612 (Mattel)
    No. 75212 (Sears)
    © 1980 Mattel Electronics1 or 2 players
    Master Component Program: Hal Finney
    Art: Jerrol Richardson
    Production: APh Technological Consulting
    USA launch: 08/25/1980 (No. 4)
    Brazil launch: 10/1984

    The alien squadron is closing in on your Mother Ship. You're awesomely outnumbered, and they attack and attack...
    Flick on the situation map and analyze your position. Dispatch a fighter squadron toward the closest alien cluster.
    You're smarter, a little faster, and you're going to let these aliens know they've got a fight on their hands.
    Flick back to a cockpit close-up view. Here they come! Aim!

  • Computerized situation map
  • Close-up attack viewer
  • Computerized and manual battle modes


    No. 5136 (Mattel)
    No. 5397 (Sears)
    © 1981 Mattel Electronics1 or 2 players
    Master Component Design and Programming: Bill Fisher, John Sohl
    Graphic and Sound: Bill Fisher
    Art: Jerrol Richardson
    USA launch: 04/19/1982 (No. 28)

    You're equipped with a jetpack for directional avoidance control, a blaster for protection and 5 force shields. If you get hit, you lose a shield. Not only that, you're sent into a space spin that could be disastrous. While you're regaining control, UFOs and comets scream past you. Of course, you can use hyperspace to get out of a super-tight spot. That'll put a few million light years between you and danger. But, watch out. You could wind up in an even hotter spot. If you want to find out how good you are, invite a friend over, compare scores.


    No. 3416© 1981 Mattel Electronics1 or 2 players
    Master Component
    Design, Programming and Graphic: Bill Fisher e Stephen Roney,
    Mike Minkoff, Brian Dougherty
    Sound: Bill Fisher, Bill Goodrich
    Voice of the computer: Keri Tombazian
    USA launch: 06/29/1982

    You are the commander of a spaceship. Suddenly, your ship's under attack. "Shields destroyed, Battle Computer one-third down," the ship's computer warns. You've got to hold them off until you can hyperdrive to a Starbase for repairs. "Starbase Two under attack!" The aliens have you in their clutches -- "The battle is over." Four different voices, two screens.


    No. 9102© 1989 INTV Corp.
    © 2019 Blue Sky Rangers
    1 or 2 players
    Master Component Design and Programming: Steve Ettinger
    Graphic: Connie Goldman, Steve Ettinger
    Sound: David Warhol
    Art: Keith Robinson
    Production: Realtime Associates
    USA launch: 1989 (relaunched in 2019 by Blue Sky Rangers)

    Fast action, intense competition -- it's SPIKER! -- SUPER PRO VOLLEYBALL. Here comes the serve...just beyond reach! Dive! BAM -- got it! The ball's in play...set it -- it seems to hang above the net -- run and SMASH! Spike it over! All the fun and excitement of a real volleyball match!

  • Realistic game play, animation and sound effects put you right on the court!
  • ALL volleyball moves -- serves, sets, leaps, spikes, blocks, digs, even dives -- are under YOUR control!
  • YOU direct every member of your team!
  • Requires quick reflexes and sharp wits!
  • Play against a friend or against a computer-controlled team!
  • Special option lets two players work TOGETHER to battle the computer!
  • "Smart" controls are easy for beginners, a challenge for experts!
  • 6 difficulty settings let players of different skill levels compete evenly!


    No. 9100© 1989 INTV Corp.
    © 2019 Blue Sky Rangers
    1 or 2 players
    Master Component Design and Programming: Rick Koenig
    Graphic: Connie Goldman
    Sound: David Warhol
    Art: Keith Robinson
    Production: Realtime Associates
    Working title: Monster Truck Rally
    USA launch: 1989

    Gear-grinding, teeth-jarring excitement -- it's STADIUM MUD BUGGIES! Get behind the wheel and floor it! Take that first hill -- you're airborne! SMACK! Bad landing -- you stall -- your opponent passes you! Jam it into gear -- your wheels spin, throwing mud everywhere -- finally some traction! You're back in the race! A car in your way? Crash over it! You're catching up! Drawbridge ahead...and it's rising! Use it as a ramp -- gun it! -- take off and YES! A perfect landing as you zoom first across the finish line!

  • Realistic graphics, animation and sound effects put you right on the track!
  • 9 events pit you against merciless obstacles: Hill Climb! Drag Race! Bog! Tug-O-War! Car Crush! Donuts! Drawbridge! Combo Course! And the MONSTER RALLY -- all events combined into one ironman challenge!
  • Compete alone, against a friend, or against the toughest computer driver ever!


    No. M-001 / EM-001© 1982 Activision1 or 2 players
    Master Component Design and Programming: Bob Whitehead
    USA launch: 1982

    Yahoo! Stampede by Activision is bringing some kind of fun to your Intellivision. And some kind of challenge! The object of this tough little video trail drive is to lasso as many stampeding calves as possible. But hold on there, Pilgrim! Those little "dogies" are right clever, and they'll do their darnedest to outsmart you! So, ride hard, rope fast, and hold on to your hat! You're in for the truest test of the wild, wild West!


    No. 5161 (Mattel)
    No. 75231 (Sears)
    © 1982 Mattel Electronics1 or 2 players
    Master Component Program: Brett Stutz, Hal Finney
    Art: Jerrol Richardson
    Production: APh Technological Consulting
    USA launch: 12/22/1981 (No. 27)

    For action fast and furious, take command of a rocket-powered fighter-interceptor flying a few hundred feet off the deck. Your mission: attack and destroy alien silos defended by several squadrons of alien rocket-craft. You must react instantaneously. You are a few hundred feet above the terrain in a narrow canyon. That's where the aliens have dug in. Maneuvering room is severely limited. Meanwhile, earth is slowly coming into target position for the silos. Remember, you alone can save earth. Don't miss.


    No. 6050© 1983 Parker Brothers1 or 2 players
    Master Component Licence: Lucasfilm Ltd.
    USA launch: 1983

    Based on the classic scene from THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK, you battle gigantic IMPERIAL WALKERS on the ICE PLANET HOTH. Quick reflexes and nerves of steel are needed to halt the WALKERS before they blow up the power generator at the Rebel base.


    No. 3408 (Mattel)
    No. 75225 (Sears)
    © 1982 Mattel Electronics1 or 2 players
    Master Component Program: Tom Loughry
    Art: Jerrol Richardson
    Production:APh Technological Consulting
    Working titles: Submarine, Submarine Battle
    USA launch: 05/06/1982 (No. 30)

    You're at the periscope of a Nautilus class nuclear submarine, the last line of defense between the enemy and the fleet. Enemy PT boats drone around seeking you out. Meanwhile, enemy destroyers constantly jockey for depth-bombing position. You must keep you head to control depth, speed, direction and torpedoes. You have simultaneous periscope and satellite horizon displays with compass readings to keep you afloat and the enemy at bay. If you do it, you should be immediately commissioned an Admiral in the U.S. Navy.


    No. 6320© 1983 Parker Brothers1 or 2 players
    Master Component Licence: Konami Industry Co.
    USA launch: 1983

    Set off on a high flying, dangerous gunship mission to destroy the enemy's base. Fly your helicopters through mazes, caves, and cities filled with tall buildings. The enemy tries to shoot your helicopter down with missiles, tanks, meteors, and even flying saucers! 1 or 2 players.


    No. 9008© 1988 INTV Corp.1 to 4 players
    Master Component Design, Programming and Graphic: Scott Robitelle
    Animation: Connie Goldman
    Sound and Music: David Warhol
    Art: Steve Huston
    Production: Realtime Associates
    USA launch: 1988

    The winner of the Decathlon is often called the Greatest Athlete in the World -- competitors must show world-class skill in 10 different events! Speed and endurance on the track. Form and timing on the jumps. Strength and determination on the throws. Now put yourself to the test with 10 tough contests that will challenge you like never before! Don't be surprised if you find yourself out of breath and your heart racing!

  • 10 Complete Events! 100 Meter Dash! Hurdles! Long Jump! High Jump! Pole Vault! Discus! Shot Put! Javelin! Triple Jump! 400 Meter Run!
  • Compete in the full Decathlon, or practice individual events.


    No. 8400© 1986 INTV Corp.1 or 2 players
    Master Component Design: David Warhol, John Tomlinson, Ray Kaestner
    Program: David Warhol, John Tomlinson
    Graphic: Connie Goldman
    Sound: David Warhol
    Art: Steve Huston
    Production: Realtime Associates
    USA launch: 1986
    Includes code from the previously released NFL Football

    Realistic Action & Sound Effects
    REAL LIVE ACTION -- Just Like Sunday Football!

  • Super Pro Football -- One & Two Players
  • You are the Coach & Quarterback
  • Full Football Rules & Play, including running, passing, punts, interceptions...Even 2 point safeties!
  • You and your opponent call & control the play
  • The challenge is to outwit your opponent or play against the Computer

  • Never Before So Real!


    No. 700009© 1982 Imagic1 or 2 players
    Master Component Design and Programming: Brian P. Dougherty
    Sound: Dave Durran
    USA launch: 1982

    You are the White Knight, exploring a maze-like dungeon...discovering silver, diamonds and gold! But will you live to enjoy them? Black Knights attack, swords rend stagger on alone. A friendly wizard joins you. Can you protect him until he learns the spells that may save you both? Coming soon!


    No. 1814 (Mattel)
    No. 75218 (Sears)
    © 1980 Mattel Electronics1 or 2 players
    Master Component Program: Gavin Claypool
    Art: Jerrol Richardson
    Production: APh Technological Consulting
    USA launch: 12/10/1980 (No. 19)
    Brazil launch: 11/1983

    Thunk! You send a screaming serve across the net. Your opponent races to intercept it and returns a lofty lob into your deep backcourt. You get to it in time to send a smashing ground shot just out of reach of your opponent's outstretched racquet.
    Play an entire three set match, and each game will be different and exciting. You control ball placement, velocity and strategy. And it's a game of wits as well as of dexterity. Even the crowd gets in the act by turning their heads to follow the ball -- and cheering at just the right time.


    No. M-004© 1983 Activision1 or 2 players
    Master Component Design and Programming: Tom Loughry
    Production: Cheshire Engineering
    USA launch: 1983
    Brazil launch: 11/1984

    It's the most terrifying space siege ever to rock the universe! The dreadnaught's approach is awesome to the eye - 10,000 times the weight of your tiny hyperfighter, 100 times its size. Your mission is to stop it before it enters your stargate and destroys the planet Terra. And, if you succeed, 100 other dreadnaughts loom on the horizon. Strategy now. Courage forever with the Dreadnaught Factor.


    No. 2613© 1979 Mattel Electronics1 or 2 players
    Master Component Program: Kimo Yap
    Art: Jerrol Richardson
    Production: APh Technology Consultants
    Licence: Children's Television Workshop, Inc.
    Working title: Math Fun
    USA launch: 10/16/1980 (No. 15)
    Brazil launch: 11/1983

    Who would guess that learning basic arithmetic skills could be this much fun!
    To solve the math problems, two players race their clever gorillas along the river bank, ducking past obstructing animals.
    The math gets more challenging when the players are ready for it. Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division -- all are more fun with Math Fun.

  • Accommodates wide range of learning levels
  • One or two players
  • Developed in conjunction with The Children's Television Workshop


    No. 1122© 1980 Mattel Electronics1 or 2 players
    Master Component Program: Kevin Miller
    Art: Jerrol Richardson
    Production: APh Technology Consultants
    Licence: Children's Television Workshop, Inc.
    USA launch: 11/05/1980 (No. 17)

    How those little monkeys love to learn! Watch them swing through the jungle, capturing letters with their tails and making words.
    Three great learning games. Find A Word has little learners weaving words in and out of each other. Word Hunt sends them into the jungle looking for missing letters.
    And Word Rocket has them blasting vowels into the sky to make words out of clouds of consonants. It's the fun and easy way to improve vocabulary skills.


    No. 4543© 1983 Mattel Electronics
    © 1983 Hanna-Barbera
    1 or 2 players
    Master Component
    Design, Programmming, Sound and Music: Joshua Jeffe
    Graphic: Donna Fisher
    Educational content: Pamela Dong
    Licence: Hanna-Barbera Productions, Inc.
    USA launch: 1983

    Experience the world of words with the Jetsons in a colorful and action-packed video game. It's easy to improve your spelling, reading and word recognition skills when you're having fun doing it. Especially when your instructors are the Jetsons. The programs progress through grade levels, from preschool on up.


    No. 4433 (Mattel)
    No. 8300 (INTV Corp.)
    © 1983 Mattel Electronics
    © 1986 INTV Corp.
    1 or 2 players
    Master Component Design: Julie Hoshizaki, Keith Robinson, Monique Lujan-Bakerink
    Program: Julie Hoshizaki
    Graphic: Monique Lujan-Bakerink
    Sound and Additional Music: David Warhol
    Music theme "Carnival of the Penguins": George "The Fat Man" Sanger
    Art: Keith Robinson
    Production: Quicksilver Software
    Licence: Based on the Data East arcade game Disco No. 1
    Working titles: Arctic Squares, Duncan's Thin Ice, Iceman, Voochko on Ice
    USA launch: 1986

    More Challenging! More Fun!

    Duncan is a Penguin who loves to skate on thin ice, much to the dismay of the other Penguins. As Duncan skates, he weakens the ice; if he skates completely around another Penguin -- KER-PLASH! -- the ice collapses and the penguin falls into the pond.

  • Duncan has only two worries: the Seal that loves to bounce him on her nose and the Polar Bear who likes to bat him around.
  • You control Duncan; help him gobble shrimp cocktails for extra speed!

  • You have got to try this game to truly appreciate the indescribable fun and challenge!


    No. 4469© 1982 Mattel Electronics
    © 1986 INTV Corp.
    1 or 2 players
    Master Component Design: Connie Goldman, David Warhol
    Program, Music and Sound Effects: David Warhol
    Graphic: Connie Goldman
    Production: Quicksilver Software
    Working titles: Magic Castle, Mystic Castle
    USA launch: 1986

    A whimsical new medieval fantasy game. You're the knight in shining armor on your quest for survival. Your journey takes you through the enchanted forest where three dragons wait with heated breath. Then, through a castle maze with three wicked wizards. Finally to a dark and dreary dungeon where the three demons present your final challenge.


    Nº 4692 (Mattel)
    Nº 8600 (INTV Corp.)
    © 1986 INTV Corp.1 player
    Master Component Design and Programming: Dan Bass, John Tomlinson
    Graphic: Connie Goldman, Karl Morris, Monique Lujan-Bakerink
    Sound and Music: David Warhol, Joshua Jeffe
    Art: Ultimatte Corporation
    Production: Realtime Associates
    Working titles: Arcade D&D, AD&D REVENGE OF THE MASTER Cartridge,
    D&D III
    USA launch: 1987
    Started at Mattel Electronics as

    Monsters. Magic. Good. Evil. Strength. Cunning. Traps. Mazes. You are about to face the greatest challenge any mortal has ever known -- the Tower of Doom.

  • Requires quick reflexes and quicker wits -- some monsters can only be defeated in battle, others must be bribed with treasure!
  • Select one of 10 characters! Different characters have different abilities to fight, bargain, and endure! You must make the most of your character's skills!
  • Select one of 10 adventures! Some require more strength, some require more brains! Choose a tower where the mazes are always the same, or a tower where the mazes are different every time you enter!
  • Explore winding corridors! Collect magical treasures! Battle vile monsters! Escape perilous traps!


    No. 3760© 1981 Mattel Electronics1 or 2 players
    Master Component Design and Programming: Rich O'Keefe
    Art: Jerrol Richardson
    Production: APh Technological Consulting
    Working titles: 3-in-1 Arcade, 5-in-1 Arcade, Some of Theirs
    USA launch: 10/15/1981 (No. 26)
    Brazil launch: 11/1983

    It's three classic video games in one!

    Racing Cars -- You and your opponent race against the clock down a crowded highway.

    Battle Tanks -- It's a duel to the finish between two heavy tanks. One of you will end up as scrap iron.

    Biplanes -- It's a thrilling dogfight -- biplane style! Watch out for the control tower...don't get lost in the clouds. But most of all, watch out for that blood thirsty baron with a leather cap!


    No. 8700© 1987 INTV Corp.1 or 2 players
    Master Component Program: David Warhol
    Art: Keith Robinson
    Production: Realtime Associates
    USA launch: 1987
    Includes code from the previously released USCF Chess,
    Checkers and ABPA Backgammon

    Announcing a major software breakthrough! Three complete games -- Chess, Checkers, and Backgammon -- now together on ONE game cartridge! YOU get the savings!

  • Complete rules! Not "simplified" or "abridged!"
  • Play against a friend or against the computer!
  • Different play levels! Play any game at "Beginner" level, or crank it up for a real challenge!
  • Three different games and their variations keep the action fresh!
  • Three classic games of strategy on one cartridge!

  • Seven levels of difficulty! It's chess for beginners, intermediates and very serious players alike!
  • Three ways to play! You against the computer, challenge another player or watch the computer play against itself!
  • Basic chess features! Capturing, castling, pawn promotion, en passant, check, checkmate, and stalemate!
  • Unique playing features! Take back the last move! Replay moves! Let the computer take your move!
  • Set up special board situations for study!

  • "Bail Out" Button -- COMPUTER SUGGESTS MOVE, when you're stumped against the computer.
  • CLEAR button lets you change your move!

  • Computer rolls dice...dice fall randomly, just like real game!
  • Computer keeps track of pip count!


    No. 5391© 1982 Mattel Electronics
    © 1982 Disney
    1 player
    Master Component Design and Programming: Steve Sents
    Graphic: Eric Wels
    Sound: Bill Goodrich
    Art: Jerrol Richardson
    Licence: Based on the Walt Disney Productions motion picture TRON
    Working title: TRON I
    USA launch: 1982 (No. 36)
    Brazil launch: 11/1983

    Our hero, TRON, is locked in battle against the Evil Blue Warriors. Score points by knocking out the computer-controlled attackers with flying discs. Your task is to bring your man safely through battle after battle. The attacking warriors are also armed with destroyer discs, and they'll come after TRON in wave after wave. You get them, or they'll get TRON!


    No. 5392© 1981 Mattel Electronics
    © 1981 Disney
    1 player
    Master Component Design and Programming: Russ Haft
    Graphic: Eric Wels
    Sound: Andy Sells
    Art: Jerrol Richardson
    Licence: Based on the Walt Disney Productions motion picture TRON
    Working titles: Mazatron, Maze-A-Tron, TRON II
    USA launch: 10/06/1982 (No. 39)

    Based on the Disney movie TRON, this is a great action game for 1 or 2 players. You are engaged in a deadly struggle to penetrate the inner circle of the Master Control Program. Watch out for the deadly "bits." You've got to destroy them to reach your goal and accumulate the most points.


    No. 5393© 1982 Mattel Electronics
    © 1982 Disney
    1 or 2 players
    Master Component
    Design: Keith Robinson, Don Daglow
    Program: Keith Robinson, Gene Smith
    Graphic: Keith Robinson
    Sound: Mark Urbaniec
    Music: Arranged by Andy Sells from the TRON themes by Wendy Carlos
    Voices: Cory Burton, Diane Pershing, Patti Glick,
    Brian Cummings, Joannie Gerber, Fred Jones
    Licence: Based on the Disney motion picture TRON
    Working titles: Solar Sailor, Voice Tron
    USA launch: 1983

    A nightmare numbers game based on the Disney movie, TRON. Your challenge is to first seek out and then to decode the evil Master Control Program. The voice of TRON's girlfriend Yori helps you find the MCP as an electronic voice gives you the secret code to remember. The rest is up to you alone. "Energy low, We've been hit...end of line." Five different voices and two screens.


    No. 700017© 1982 Imagic1 or 2 players
    Master Component Design and Programming: Steve DeFrisco
    Graphics Assistance: Karen Elliott
    Sound: Dave Durran
    USA launch: 1982

    Clarence and Doris have been shipwrecked on a lonely South Sea island. All alone, completely isolated. A huge Beach Bruiser appears suddenly and whisks darlin' Doris away. Clarence must get her back!
    Bounding boulders, flying coconuts, man-eating clams, vicious ferns and bubbling fields of lava block his way. Doris leaves a trail of white hankies to give Clarence strength. Help Clarence rescue her while there's still time!


    No. 700023© 1983 Imagic1 or 2 players
    Master Component Design and Programming: Rick Levine
    Sound: Dave Durran
    USA launch: 1983

    Ride your rig to the four corners of the USA! Deliver the goods on a tight schedule. Make strategic decisions about what cargoes to carry and which routes to take. Radio ahead. Find out what loads are needed, and where. Then power down that ribbon of highway.
    Keep an eye peeled for turnouts - and for other truckers! You've got to get where you're goin' - and get there first! You'll earn big bucks as you cover the map from sea to shining sea! One or two players compete against time - and each other. Go for it!


    No. 2473 (Coleco)
    No. 241303 (CBS)
    © 1983 Coleco1 or 2 players
    Master Component Licence: Based on the Sega Enterprises, Inc. arcade game
    USA launch: 1982

    This is a fast-paced racing game in which you control a high speed car and drive it through city streets, tunnels, down country roads and over bridges. Accelerate - change lanes! While controlling the car's speed and direction, you must pass speeding cars, avoiding treacherous obstacles that come your way - and still come in on record time!


    No. 6340© 1983 Parker Brothers1 or 2 players
    Master Component Licence: Konami Industry Co.
    USA launch: 1983

    Wander King Tut's tomb in search of fabulous treasure! Keys are used to unlock the passageways to the treasure. But snakes, griffins, and beetles will guard the tomb at all costs. With lasers and flash bombs, try to defeat these protectors of the tomb and escape with the loot.


    No. 1817 (Mattel)
    No. 75219 (Sears)
    © 1980 Mattel Electronics1 to 6 players
    Master Component Program: Scott Reynolds
    Art: Jerrol Richardson
    Production: APh Technological Consulting
    Licence: United States Ski Team, Inc.
    USA launch: 12/10/1980 (No. 20)
    Re-released by INTV Corp. as Alpine Skiing [INTV #1817]

    Take a deep breath, dig your poles hard into the snow, push off...and you're speeding down a world class skiing course.
    Stay low and glide gracefully through the turns because you're in a race against the clock. But don't cut the comers too sharply or you'll go tumbling! All the excitement of the Winter Olympics on a beautiful video snowscape.


    No. 3412© 1983 Mattel Electronics1 or 2 players
    Master Component User interface programming: Russ Ludwick
    Heuristics programming: Teletape, Inc.
    Graphic: Dave James, Peggi Decarli
    Art: Jerrol Richardson
    Licence: U.S. Chess Federation
    USA launch: 11/23/1982 (No. 41)

    A great new way to play the ultimate game of strategy, whether you're a novice, intermediate or expert. Pit your skill against the computer or an opponent. Select from eight degrees of difficulty and a time limit on moves. Move up in skill as you improve.


    No. 5149 (Mattel)
    No. 75232 (Sears)
    © 1981 Mattel Electronics1 or 2 players
    Master Component Design and Programming: Don Daglow
    Graphic: Don Daglow, Kai Tran
    Sound: Russ Lieblich
    Art: Jerrol Richardson
    Working title: Island
    USA launch: 06/03/1982 (No. 33)

    You and your opponent each have an island to rule. Points are accumulated based on the welfare of your island people. You can choose to be a benevolent ruler or an aggressive dictator. Your people need food, housing, and industry for clothing and other essentials. What you cannot manage are natural disasters. A single hurricane could wipe out your crops, sink your fishing fleet, destroy all the homes and factories you've built. Rebels may automatically appear should the welfare of the people drop. They could attack. Classic dilemmas in a game that is sure to become an absorbing classic in its own right.


    No. 5788© 1983 Mattel Electronics1 or 2 players
    Master Component Design, Programming and Sound: Mark Urbaniec
    Graphic: Connie Goldman
    Art: Jerrol Richardson
    Working titles: Vectrix, Vortex
    USA launch: 1983

    Hungrees, G-spheres, splits, sweeps and prizums -- the nasties are out to stop you from building your energy bases. Use your Vectron to build the bases level by level to increase your score. Or, use Vectron to shoot down or stun the nasties with energy blasts. But don't run out of energy, the nasties are nibbling away at your score.


    No. 2477 (Coleco)
    No. 7628-1 (CBS)
    © 1982 Coleco1 or 2 players
    Master Component Licence: Based on the Exidy Incorporated arcade game
    USA launch: 1983

    In this unique game, you control Winky - the heroic adventurer - who is off on an expedition to claim the treasures that lay hidden in the dungeon. Each treasure is in a chamber - protected by dangerous monsters. He must use his bow and arrow to ward off the monsters and claim the treasures. The more he ventures - the more he gains!


    No. 700024© 1982 Imagic1 or 2 players
    Master Component Design and Programming: Douglas A. Fults
    Sound: Dave Durran
    USA launch: 1983

    Deep in the thick green jungle, you'll hear the roar of a wild river. White Water! the challenge proves irresistible! And the treasures to be found are boundless! Race to the river and tempt fate. You pilot the raft with two other passengers on board. Boulders, plants, whirlpools - the obstacles on this savage waterway threaten your every move!


    No. 5789© 1983 Mattel Electronics
    © 1986 INTV Corp.
    1 or 2 players
    Master Component Production: APh Technological Consulting (Mattel)
    Production: Quicksilver Software (INTV Corp.)
    Working titles: All-Star Major League Baseball, Baseball II
    USA launch: 1986
    Includes code from the previously released Major League Baseball

    You're the home team in blue, engaged in the most realistic home video baseball game around. You've got to hit the fast-breaking curve balls or smoking fastballs. But don't pop up, this game features fly balls as well a grounders. You can also steal bases and kick up a cloud of dust as you slide into the bag. Nine innings of action-packed fun, for one or two players. Play ball!


    No. 8100© 1985 Dextell Ltd., Nice Ideas1 or 2 players
    Master Component Program: Armand Barraud, Mark Grant
    Production: Nice Ideas (Mattel Electronics, France)
    Working title: Super NASL Soccer
    USA launch: 1985
    Includes code from the previously released NASL Soccer

    The ball is move it down field. Teamwork and footwork are the name of this game. The defense is pressing...pass to a teammate! Get the ball in close to your opponent's goal. Move quickly...evade the defense...keep the ball in bounds. You're in the goal area. Fake out the goalie and shoot. It's a score!
    World Cup Soccer is an advanced version of the original, successful Soccer. It enables you to play with an opponent or against your Intellivision unit. It offers more real life-like gameplay with such added gameplay features as heading the ball, tackling, the option of changing players during game play, and direct or indirect kicking after penalties are called. It's so life-like that you have a full team of players.


    No. 4537© 1982 Mattel Electronics
    © 1982 INTV Inc.
    1 or 2 players
    Master Component
    Design and Programming: Eddie Dombrower
    Sound and Music: David Warhol
    Voice Implementation: Steve Ettinger
    Voice Processing: Mattel Speech Lab
    USA launch: 1983

    It's just like playing baseball in front of national TV! The TV cameras catch different angles of the game. Pan across the playing field. Even pick up the baserunners on a split screen. Be the manager by programming in batting and pitching statistics for your team. Program Hall of Famers to play against each other. Imagine Fernando Valenzuela pitching against Babe Ruth! Truly the next generation of video games.


    No. M-006© 1983 Activision1 or 2 players
    Master Component Design and Programming: Tom Loughry
    Production: Cheshire Engineering
    USA launch: 1983

    Welcome to Felton Pinkerton's farm where corn grows high at harvesting time. But, wait! Wave after wave of horrible corn huskers are slithering, sliding, oozing toward your corn crops. The corn must be saved! The worms must be whomped! Run to the shed, grab your B-U-G pesticide and spray, Spray, SPRAY! Worm Whomper. Watch what crops up!


    No. 2487 (Coleco)
    No. 7627-3 (CBS)
    © 1983 Coleco1 or 2 players
    Master Component Licence: Based on the Sega Enterprises, Inc. arcade game
    USA launch: 1983

    This fantastic three dimensional space battle game puts you in control of a futuristic spaceship. The ship zooms through the sky, diving down to bomb the enemy fighter planes and to attack the enemy's installations. The ship must avoid hazardous walls, devastating force fields and the enemy's fire to survive and score. Can you do it?



    Mattel [USA]
    Mattel [USA]

    No. 3275
    No. 3317
    © 1982 Mattel Electronics
    Master Component
    Keyboard Component
    Program: Ken Smith
    Production: APh Technological Consulting


    Mattel [USA]

    No. 1147© 1981 Mattel Electronics
    Master Component
    Keyboard Component
    Program: Chris Kingsley
    Production: APh Technological Consulting

    Learn a second language the same way you learned yours - by listening and speaking! You pronounce the French word into the microphone and compare your pronunciation with the audio! It helps you to master the French conversation so that you can apply it in practice in many situations. Work at home at your own pace. No artificial grammar!


    Mattel [USA]

    No. 3764© 1981 Mattel Electronics
    Master Component
    Keyboard Component

    Do crosswords electronically! The computer gives you the tips, draws the spaces, keeps the score - and when you're done, someone else can solve the same challenge! 3 levels of difficulty. You don't need an eraser - just the keys!


    Mattel [USA]

    No. 3892© 1981 Mattel Electronics
    Master Component
    Keyboard Component

    The challenge is a little tougher in this game than in CROSSWORD I. The computer still draws spaces, gives hints and keeps the score, but it will be more difficult for you. Crossword addicts will really enjoy this tape.


    Mattel [USA]

    No. 3893© 1981 Mattel Electronics
    Master Component
    Keyboard Component

    Ideal for true crossword experts. Have fun while learning new exotic words. The computer will keep the score, draw the spaces and give you hints. The rest is up to you. A real test of knowledge of words.
    Become a master of the crosswords!


    Mattel [USA]

    No. 3419© 1981 Mattel Electronics
    Master Component
    Keyboard Component

    Where the money goes! Control family finances with this program. You can have a graphical analysis of a wide spectrum of categories to help you balance your expenses and keep your finances organized. It's like having an accountant at home! This is a K7 that will pay for itself.


    Mattel [USA]

    No. 3767© 1981 Mattel Electronics
    Master Component
    Keyboard Component
    Program: Don Daglow

    Have a geography class for up to 6 people. Three fascinating quiz games. The computer controls the tests of the state capitals, natural resources, history and identification of the map. See how many family members get an "A".
    It is a delightful way to learn facts about America.


    Mattel [USA]

    No. 1146© 1981 Mattel Electronics
    Master Component
    Keyboard Component
    Program: Hal Finney
    Production: APh Technological Consulting

    Develop a conditioning program adapted to your needs. Just enter personal statistics, do a physical test and the computer will give you a personalized program recommended by the famous conditioning expert Jack LaLanne.


    Mattel [USA]

    No. 3762© 1981 Mattel Electronics
    Master Component
    Keyboard Component
    Production: APh Technological Consulting

    The whole family can have a spelling bee with words chosen for each age and level of difficulty. Pre-record the words on the audio tape or use the words already included in the K7. It's a lot of fun. If you've never been good at spelling, this K7 can help you do that.



    VH1 [USA]
    VH1 [USA]
    VH1 [USA]
    VH1 [USA]
    VH1 [USA]

    © 2010 VH11 player
    Apple iPad with iOS 3.2 or higher Format: Digital

    Multiplayer option in version 1.1


    No. SLUS-00906
    © 1999 Activision1 or 2 players
    Sony PlayStation 1 Format: CD
    Program and Intellivision emulator: Mike Livesay
    Additional programming: Chris Robbers, Jason Maynard
    Sound emulation: Dan Zahn
    Music: Tom Kathelin
    Art: Jody McMurrian

    Collection of 30 games created by Activision for Intellivision.
    Available for Sony PlayStation.


    No. 381920© 2002 Intellivision Productions1 or 2 players
    Format: CD

    Intellivision's 20-year special collection.
    In two versions for PC and Mac, with 10 and 25 games.


    © 2007 Intellivision Productions1 or 2 players
    Apple Mac
    Format: CD
    Special limited edition for Classic Gaming Expo 2007 (CGE2K7)

    Box containing 3 CDs:
    PC/Mac game collections Intellivision Lives! and Intellivision Rocks, and the audio CD Intellivision in Hi-Fi


    © 1998, 2002, 2003, 2004 Intellivision Productions1 or 2 players
    Apple Mac
    Microsoft Xbox
    Nintendo DS
    Nintendo GameCube
    Sony Playstation 1
    Sony Playstation 2
    Format: CD
    Program: Ed Higa, Xheryl G. Durham
    Production: Karen Lequeux
    Production assistant: Chris Weeks
    3D Art: Connie Goldman, Caleb Sawyer
    Art direction: Karen Lequeux
    Engineering and tools: Farsight Studios Inc.

    Collection with more than 60 Intellivision games, plus interviews and curiosities.
    Available for PC, Mac, DS/Gamecube (Nintendo), PlayStation 1/2 (Sony) and Xbox (Microsoft).


    © 2001 Intellivision Productions1 or 2 players
    Format: CD

    Collection of 30 games for Intellivision.
    Available for PC and Mac.